Thursday, June 24, 2010

the 22 minute web application

I've decided that since I write so much about technologies that I was going to start aggregating my non-published works here. Woe betide the gentle reader; I shall look for a way to exclude posts labeled "tech" from my main stream.

This is just a brief note of "cool things I've recently discovered" disguised as shameless self-promotion. As Blogger has done for blogging, so has Google App Engine done for developing and deploying web applications. True, it isn't quite as easy for the computer novice to create an application as it is a blog, but I can't imagine making it much easier for the developer than they have.

True, Google has a decided interest in making the development of web applications ridiculously simple, but enabling going from idea to world-wide deployment of a (trivial) web app in twenty-two minutes is a impressive feat. As a side note, the advent of W3C standardization of downloadable fonts is enough to make a typography dweeb nearly weep with joy. Now if only they add TEX paragraph layout algorithms...  nerds are allowed to dream, aren't they?

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